
José Luis Escrivá Belmonte

Minister of Inclusion, Social Security, and Migrations

Lant Pritchett

Co-founder and Research Director, LaMP

Loli Arribas-Banos

Practice Manager for the Social Protection and Jobs Global Unit at the World Bank

Tesseltje De Lange

Full Professor of European Migration Law and Director of the Centre for Migration Law, Radboud University, Nijmegen

Daniele Albanese

Head of EU Programs, Talent Beyond Boundaries

Pablo Acosta

Lead Economist at the World Bank’s Social Protection and Jobs Global Unit

Marina Del Corral Téllez

Managing Director of Círculo Empresarial de Atención a Personas (CEAPs)

Faustino Díaz Fortuny

Deputy Managing Director of Investment and Talent Attraction at Madrid City Council

María Fernanda Castillo

First Secretary at the Embassy of Honduras in Spain.

Luc Christiaensen

Head of the World Bank’s Rome Jobs and Labor Mobility Center